Sunday, October 14, 2012


It was so full that we all had 2 reload!
This is just the starters, these people bring out the glitches! Now, look how big we got!
Cocolo145 and I's marriage was a complete success! We live happily ever after, but WAIT. Cocolo145 has a haunted house den, and the whole top floor was full of decorations! We had a blast dancing! Heres some of the crowd!

Friday, October 12, 2012

VERY important ceremony!

Hello guys! I have a VERY important ceremony i invite everyone to! Cocolo145 and Hoppytop are getting married! The time will be random, so watch for us! Please come to our wedding. All my helpers, Please show up at the wedding. Love from Hoppytop and Cocolo145

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Random Pics!

Yeah ok, just mira.... O_o
Level!? Whats any chance of THAT!?
Rudolph the plant nosed reindeer???
This is a.. Butt shot? COCOLO145........ YOUR IN SOOO BIG TROUBLE!!!
Is this normal? nuuuuu
Epicly, there are 2 glitches in this pic. Look at the last 3 items! (supposed to be items!!)
Aj, are you SURE you dont make us learn TOO MUCH!?
Wow! Greenfun sent in a floating smoothie!
Do you THINK these bubbles are in the right place? NO!
Woah! Check out Blossom Berryflower's emote!
Um, we need to go to the body shop.
Ok, its eyes. and a mask. Were still getting creepy.
Creepy...Are we getting into Halloween again!?
Wow! Look at this! One of my best friends turned invisible!
Wow, Recolored!
Hi! Hoppytop here. Heres some random  pics! These are for BEFORE i move on to my next blog for a few mins.

The warroior series

 Hi! Hoppytop here. So, have YOU read warriors? Well i have! And warriors is a great series! The warrior cats rock. Firestar is my favorite. And, unfortunately, My channel is running short on good news! Im sorry. I might quit the channel.
Chances are big. running 3 blogs is hard. Anyway, back to warriors. Well, warriors rocks, i heart Batsong a lot. You may post ANYTHING for the series WARRIORS ONLY. In the comments below. This is the ONLY book series i give you permission to give URLS out. Any other URL, and your comment is deleted. If you do it lots, you will be suspended from the blog.


Hi! Cocolo145 here! And i ask you for assistance! Please, PLEASE make new accounts and buy stuff on them and then send them to me! I need a haunted house den! So please, send all unwanted items and make those new accounts and send me PLEASE. After this is over, the person who sent most stuff gets a FREE big halloween party in it! I will buy everything for it! So, this fund raiser ends on October 29th! The winners party will be scheduled for 10:00 AM to 12:00. On October 30th. Please do this. You do not have to! Im not forcing anyone! And also, you may send gifts AFTER the fund raiser is over also! The extra gems from the fund raiser will be used to buy clothes for Hoppytop's birthday, which comes soon!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My helpers aren't scammers!

This is the hacker on his strike. The fox is Ihatetoad01. Please hate Ihatetoad01 for bullying my best friend because he got hacked! He didn't scam anyone if your looking at this Ihatetoad01

So, this post is about a bad confusion! Cocolo145, my helper was hacked long ago. And the hacker made a scammer out of him so people would hate him. Cocolo145 is mostly restored today. But nobody shall call HIM a scammer! Cocolo145 isn't a scammer. Ihatetoad01 was heard to be the recorder of this NOT scammer. That might have been Ihatetoad1 thereselves, or another hacker. But PLEASE don't call Cocolo145 a hacker. He isn't. This is Ihatetoad01's screenshot of when the hacker striked. (Im not on his side i found it in pics) Im on Cocolo145's side. I am NOT thanking Ihatetoad1 for this Screenshot!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Some pics!

This was one of Fuzzy's newer photos! This was from the Beta Days.

This is a old picture of Fuzzy Shyivy! Her usename is CinnamonCake. Now, Fuzzy wears a green leave necklace to stop most copiers.

This is Gingerpawz's Fox Party invitation for you! Remember to be there next year!

Also, you have a new invitation from Gingerpawz! For foxes only!

Looks like theres a party in the USA!

Well Jammers, School is up for me. I will not be able to post often (maybe) XD. I wanted to show a few pics for fun! (lots lol)